Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Long Term Hiatus

Note: I still have to post the Gnisis blog and three or four more days after that where I made a lot of progress. Also, it's entirely possible that after posting the half-assed versions I might work on them and make them not half-assed and in fact get inspired enough to work on this again! Of course chances of that aren't very likely at all. Check for the last few posts later today and maybe tomorrow.

Considering how horribly I am able to start and then complete a project I'm amazed I made it as far as I did with Blogging Morrowind. Really, for me it was a respectable effort, though I think the game is a bit too large for a project such as Blogging it in it's entirety. I had some pretty good ideas for it too. Such as MOD blogs talking about my adventures using fan-made MODs of all sorts, job specific blogs which focus on a character who isn't a barbarian but a thief or a mage which would have been a challenge for me as Morrowind is incredibly easy for fighter classes. Other classes aren't impossible, Morrowind just isn't as quick and easy for them. Without the side adventures the blog would still have ended up being massive.

I had two main problems with this project. First was me forgetting to take pictures. It's really annoying to remember to snap pictures of things, especially if it's a weird new enemy, usually I'd kill so I'd have to take a picture of it's dead body. Other times I had to just go back, which is an annoyance. Secondly was me playing waaaay too far ahead. Initially I went town by town. This idea is nice but can't be executed in the game very well, typically quests in towns require you to visit other towns, as a result you'd have to break that into a separate entry or just go to your destination and run back. For anyone who's ever played Morrowind I'm sure they'd agree that it's damn impossible to not go off wandering in new towns. Especially when you know where all the good shit is. You could easily just go steal this awesome ass armor at level 1 or 2 and just reign chaos on your enemies. I blogged about ~35% of what I played.

At this point I'll probably just write the list of things I did and post that. It's the cheap way out, I know, but really I already lost my drive to play Morrowind. So for the moment it's on a long-term hiatus. Knowing me, it'll be permanent, but there's always that flicker of hope.

Also, Blogging the game ended up ruining the experience for me a bit. Usually I could just relax and go about my business completing quests. With the responsibilities of blogging it I had to take pictures and record everything in enough detail to remember exactly how each quest went. Most weren't interesting to talk about, so I just gave the quest and the rewards I received upon completion. Of course this ends up becoming just a giant list of "I did this, got this, then did this for that and then he asked me to go do this when I was done I got nothing but I raised a rank, then he told me to go do his last quest and I got a nice little whatever for completing it!" In short: That's rather boring.

So if anyone read Blogging Morrowind. Sweet. If not, well I wasn't really expecting it. I wanted to complete the main quest and the three main guilds before asking if Blogging DQ, Ultima, Zelda or Final Fantasy would "sponsor" me and put me on their side bar.

So, in conclusion. I was able to work at it for a bit longer than expected, though I ended up let it slide and kind of ignored it. Of course the lack of comments kinda of discouraged me from continuing it, but I blame myself for refusing to tell anyone about it besides a quick little bulletin on myspace whenever I posted a new post. Anyway, it was kinda fun and I hope I can come up with similar projects, or just some sort of writing project. Thus far all I can remember is a failed attempt at an ongoing zombie tale and of course the project this post is based on Blogging Morrowind. Anyway, I DO hope some day I'll be able to start something and actually FINISH it. Novel concept, I know.

Gnisis Day 1

Cutting it short: Sorry this sucks... but really this is all that happened for this day. Basically it's what I would have posted anyway, just without all the extra bullshit I'm sure no one wanted to read anyway. Wait, does anyone read this?

Find Pilgrimage guy
Take him to Koal Cave
He dies underwater
I explore cave and take Druegh Wax
Sacrifice it for the shrine
Go to Gnisis for rest
Level up while sleeping!

Man loses Pants->Find them
Back to Ald'Ruhn

Fun With MODs Part 1

As I said in my first post I use a lot of MODs when I usually play Morrowind, though for the purposes of this blog I removed almost all of them. Playing through the game without MODs can be a little boring though, so I'll take a break every so often just to mess around with them. I would have waited a little bit longer to do this, but I just found a site where I could download a lot more. Of course I did, and now I'm seeing which ones work, and which don't. So here's the tale of me using MODs.

I installed all of the right files into the Data Files folder in my Program Files. Then I opened up Morrowind and I decided to just work my way down the list to see which MODs conflict enough to cause a problem. First off I made a new character who I named "basduf" or something to that effect. I used my favorite method of randomly hitting buttons on the keyboard to make this name. I surprising like it. I made myself a male Nord Barbarian again just because it doesn't matter and I wanted to just blow right through it.


Cutting it short: Thanks to my inability to complete anything, I'm cutting this short and just going to list what, in this case, MODs I tested and played around with.


Morrorwind2fishbeta = Adds lots of fish to Morrowind and it worked nicely and I enjoyed it a lot for how basic it was.

World of Faces= Adds new faces to random NPCs, looks nice and is rather subtle but effective.

Waterlife= Adds the ability to fish and more fish!

Book Rotate= Allows you to rotate books when placing them on shelves so that you can have a nice looking library.

Morrowind Patch= Fixes 99% of the bugs the official patches didn't catch.

Living Cities of Vvardenfell Scehdule Markers= Creates scehdules for various NPCs around Vvardenfell, breathes new life into the game though finding some NPCs can be a bitch.

NPC LCV Schedules= I'm not sure if this does what the above MOD does or what...

Less Generic NPC's Seyda Need= Makes all Seyda Neen NPC's different and slightly changes the town layout and adds a few new quests. The LGNPC series is one of the most amazing MODs in my opinion.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ald'Ruhn Day 1

Gah, sorry for the lack of updates, I play a hell of a lot faster than I update this. I'm about 5 days behind, and I just got back from a short vacation yesterday. A quick note: Naming these by towns was very stupid of me. Now I travel between so many different towns that each post would be incredibly short and contain almost nothing. However, I set up this post and the next post by the "town days" I originally was using, but these are the last two updates that will use this system. Back to blogging.

As I disembarked from the Silt Strider I got my first view of Ald'Ruhn. A very brown town, and not very welcoming. The buildings looked strangely organic, like they were the husks of creatures long dead. It's a very unique town, even if a bit unsettling. I'll be coming here a lot though, so it'll grow on me. My first stop were the two guard towers near the entrance of town. Why? To steal a bunch of armor and sell it for a lot of money of course! So I went about grabbing all the armor and weapons within the two guard towers and sold them to the Fighter's Guild armorer as well as the local armorer. Overall I got a nice amount for all the stolen equipment, and I'll be using similar tactics in other places as it's pretty much the easiest way to accumulate cash in Vvardenfell.

My next stop was the Fighter's Guild where a learned something a tad bit more unsettling than the town itself. Apparently they had allied themselves with the Camma Tong, which is an enemy of the Thieves Guild. Due to this alliance the Fighter's Guild was doing things that it normally would not be doing, and as the guildmaster here tells me it isn't good news for the guild overall. Sadly, he doesn't give me any missions to fulfill so I'll have to wait until the next town for that.

Aftering learning this about the Fighter's Guild I run across the street to the Mages Guild where they do offer quests. I spoke with Edwinna, the local guildmaster and the first quest she gave me was to find a rare tome entitled "The Chronicles of Nchuleft". I took the silt strider back to Balmora to visit the book store and lo and behold she had a copy. I picked it up and handed it to Edwinna for... nothing. Great. The next quest was to pick up a potion from Skink from the Sadrith Mora Mages Guild. I teleported there from the guild guide, nabbed the potion, and talked with Edwinna again. She then gave me an exclusive shadow potion.

The next quest she asked me to perform had me heading to the Vivec chapter of the Mages Guild for a book from a fellow member. I teleported once more and headed to find Sirlonwe's room. I headed into her closet and opened up the chest with a lockpick and got the book Edwinna wanted. I teleported back and received nothing for my trouble. The next quest saw me off to Gnaar Mok, I took the Silt Strider there and headed to Huleen's Hut on the outskirts of town. It was all but abandoned save for a Scamp. Luckily being a Barbarian by nature I crushed the little devil and found Huleen's helped locked in the cellar. He said he wanted to prove his worth, but then the Scamp just starting destroying everything and that he didn't want to be a Mage of any sort anymore. Poor him. I left and headed back to the Silt Strider, but I found someone who wanted me to take them to a place called Koal Cave Near Gnisis. I accepted and that is where this blog entry ends. Poor you.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Balmora Day 1

Yesterday I played for a long while, doing a lot in Balmora and I eventually ended up going to Ald'Ruhn and Gnisis. Since I'm blogging based on towns I'll only talk about my escapades in Balmora, though I'll probably update again quite soon with Ald'Ruhn and later Gnisis.

Anyway, back to blogging.

My first stop was the Thieves Guild, mainly because they're nice and clear bounties for you. I join and then leave, headed for the other side of the river to join the Mages Guild. I decide to do the missions here since they're relatively easy. As a side note, most Mage Guild quests don't really require magic, at least in the beginning and I'm pretty sure the need for it doesn't increase too drastically the further you head up the ranks. Anyway, I did every mission I could do for Ajira a Khajiit. Her first quest and third quest I've already technically completed. In her first quest she wants you to collect four mushroom samples, and the third she wants four flower samples. You can get all the mushrooms before leaving Seyda Neen, and you can get all the flower samples on the road from Seyda Neen to Pelagiad. I handed them over and she thanked me with 4 Cheap Health Potions, really helpful. The second quest was to betray a fellow Mage Guild member. She wanted me to replace a soul gem in her rival Mage's Galbedir's desk, luckily Galbedir is leaving her desk momentarily to go downstairs for some reason. So you take the Fake Soul Gem, walk upstairs, and place it in her desk while taking out her real Soul Gem. On her desk lies a lot of Soul Gems with some pretty nice souls in them, since no one's looking I just take all of them. I go back down to speak with Ajira. She thanks me again and I ask for another quest. Third quest is the flower one! I hand them over and she gives me Six Cheap Magicka Potions, even more helpful, especially considering I'm a Barbarian! Bah, I ask for another quest, and she asks for a Ceramic Bowl, and gives me 10 gold. I run of to Ra'virr, who I'll be killing pretty soon... buy the Bowl and run back.

I come back and she's panicing. Apparently while I was away Galbedir stole Ajira's reports and hid them. She asked me to get them back. I hand her the bowl which she doesn't give me anything for, and I'm off. Galbedir sucks at hiding things. One is in the room right next to Ajira and the other is upstairs near some baskets. I hand them back to Ajira who hands me one potion of Exclusive Fire, Frost and Lightning Resistance and two Exclusive Spell Absorption. Upon the completion of this quest she tells me to come back when I'm a Warlock. That will take a while, and require me to spend a lot of money on training. Almost all of my magical skills are 5, the leader of that particular branch of the Mage's Guild wouldn't let me advance past the second rank so I leave the Mage's Guild and head to Ra'virr's shop.

As soon as I arrive I try taunting him, my Speech Craft skill sucks, so I don't think it'll work but might as well practice. One of them works, but obviously that's not enough to make him attack me, so I pull out my sword and attack him. He pulls out a warhammer, which was the first weapon to kill me if you remember. Ironically, it's the second weapon to kill me as well, argh! Luckily since I'm smart I saved before I attacked so I just reload. This time I lay the smack down on him and win. I take everything I can sell off of him and run across the street to sell it. Immediately afterwards I book it to the Thieves Guild to get rid of that nasty Bounty, they already came in handy! YAY!

Being the greedy little Nord I am I spent some time stealing random things from around town, from Crates lying around outside, peoples homes, the Guard Towers, anywhere really. So I sold all that for a little bit of money and then got bored of it. I used the money I got from being a thief to improve my armor to full Bonemold sans the Helmet because I don't like Helmets. It's the official armor of Hlaalu Guards, so it has to be pretty good right? I used a bit more money on buying Alchemic apparatuses and used most of random things I found to make potions, I mostly failed, but my Alchemy skill increased by at least 1 if not 2 so it was kind of worth it. Afterwards I finally visited Caius Cosades and joined the Blades. He gave me 200 gold, and upon further bothering him for quests he told me to research the Sixth House Cult and the Cult of the Nereverine. First I should head over to the Fighter's Guild and ask Hasphat about them. He also told me to learn about Morrowind's history since I was to become part of it and handed me "A Short History of Morrowind. I'm going to hold of on any Blades activity until much later in the game, at least until I beat the Mages, Thieves and Fighters Guilds.

I left his house and headed for a secret trainers house, those are other people working for Blades, I visited Nine Toes and he handed me four pieces of Moon Sugar and told me they were illegal and that only a Khajiit would buy them. Wait, so a guy working for the Empire is dealing in ILLEGAL DRUGS? It was rather odd, but I ran off to Ajira's to sell them and got a lot for them. I also remembered that I think I left a bit of Moon Sugar behind Ence's shop in Pelagiad, I found it in one of the Bandit caves early on and knew it be worth selling. Anyway, I did the first couple of Thieves Guild quests to pass the time. The first was to snatch a Diamond, luckily the local Apothecary carried them. So I hurried over there and, not wanting to pay money, went upstairs and broke into a chest above her bed. Lo and behold a Diamond was inside. I rushed back to the Guild leader Sugar-Lips Habasi and she thanked me with some reward that I don't remember. Please note that I forgot to write the rewards down for these quests. Moving right along, the second quest was to get a hold of a Nerano Manor key, which was located across town. I went inside and killed the owner with relative ease, actually, with no trouble at all. Luckily in Morrowind the Thieves Guild doesn't punish you for unnecessary bloodshed, unlike Oblivion does. With the key in hand I proceed to loot the place and then take it back to Sugar-Lips. The third quest required I went to Hla Oad, which I deemed to out of the way for right now since there's no fast travel there.

I left the Thieves Guild and headed over to the Fighters Guild. Ironically with me being a Barbarian it would be the natural choice for me to join it first but instead I join the other to Guilds that don't suit a true Barbarian in any respect. Of course in Morrowind that doesn't really matter. So I join, and the first quest is to kill a bunch of rats in this nice Pillow Makers house. So I run over there and kill them all, they obviously don't put up much of a fight being rats and all. The lady there thanks me and pays me 100 or so gold saying that's how much she agreed to pay. I went back to the Guild awaiting my next task. The next task was to slay a bunch of Egg Poachers outside of town, I deemed that too out of the way as well and went back to the Mages Guild. For the rest of my stay I wasted all my money raising all my Magic and Stealth based skills to 10 or above. At the end of the day I still had a couple of skills below, but I didn't have enough money by that point.

I decided to head towards Ald'Ruhn next for some more Guild quests. I apologize for the lack of pictures this time around, but I kind of forgot, and don't worry, there's even less in Ald'Ruhn and Gnisis... heh.


Did Thieves quest, then fighters quests, wasted all my money on training, went to Ald'Ruhn

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Road to Balmora

I left Pelagiad with one goal in mind. Getting to a town that actually matters. So off I went in search of Balmora which is almost totally North of Pelagiad. I followed the path until I came to a small cavern. A carven of the damned mind you. I entered into the place named Ulummusa, which sounds just as evil as the cave's innards as I would soon discover. I beat the first badit/lunatic who ran at me calling me a s'wit or n'wah or what have you with relative ease. The next guy, however, was a different story all together. I pulled out my blade as he pulled out his giant warhammer. We ran at each other, his hammer hit me demolishing half of my health bar, my blade missed. I swung again and missed as he hit me for he second time. Funny thing about that second time... it was the last time too. Yeah, I died already. I reloaded and promptly left that hellish place.

Feeling ashamed I continued onward, until I met a girl. Her name was Maurrie Aurmine, and she had a very strange tale to tell me. Apparently some guy mugged her on his way to Pelagiad, she didn't care much about that because he was so handsome. She hasn't moved since her encounter with him and asked me to venture back to Pelagiad to give him her glove. I obliged and she handed me the glove. I continued on my way to Balmora, figuring I'd eventually visit Pelagiad again, considering I hadn't even explored the fort that had been established there. So a short while later I encountered another cavern which I walked up to a little more apprehensively this time. As I placed my hand on the door a flood of memories came back, horrible memories of dying, and hammers. I shook them off and entered anyway wanting to redeem myself. I ran in and to my surprise the first that attacked me was a Nix Hound. I smirked and killed it with ease. I continued on and soon enough I encountered a gate, I saw a Dunmer running around yelling at me. I was a bit confused at first wondering why a Dunmer and a Nix Hound were living in harmony. I shrugged it off as I needed to finish up this cave. I opened the gate and was hit with a magical fireball, it was trapped but I didn't have a probe to untrap it. I killed the Dunmer female and then continued on into the depths of this cave. Another Nix Hound and two more Dunmer later and I had cleared out this cave. I grabbed as much loot that was either relevant to me or might be worth some cash until I started to feel a bit weighted down. I checked my weight allowance meter and it was nearing 300, which is my maximum weight that I can carry. I left the cave and decided to head back to Pelagiad. I could give that guy the glove, and I might find a place to steal more loot, so back the way I had come from I went.

I arrived after watching my character run incredibly slowly which was very humorous, my first stop was to sell as much stuff as I could. I visited my old friend Mebestian Ence and the local armorer and then headed towards the tavern. I found the guy who mugged that lady near Ahnassi and gave him the glove, he took it and handed me a note. Oddly enough he said she was beautiful and actually felt remorse for stealing from her. Weird people. I left and was a bit faster than before thanks to the small amount of weight I was carrying now. I spoke with the lady who had been mugged one more and she squealed with glee. She told me she had nothing to give me but did mention that her friend in Tel Aruhn named Emusette Bracques might be able to help me. I left wondering when I would visit Tel Aruhn. I continued on my way towards Balmora. Besides a few Scribs and a Nix Hound or two my journey was rather uneventful. I saved in front of the town and quit for the time being.

Now I think I forgot to mention a couple of things, literally only two things come to mind. Firstly, somewhere along the road I picked up an enchanted Axe and an enchanted Long Sword. My Axe skill beats my Long Blade's so I've been using the Sword a lot. It's a nice little electric enchantment that helped me kill quite a few of things rather easily. The second thing was that I've been attacked by the Dark Brotherhood guild of assassins twice already. I was able to sell of their armor for quite a lot. I might have mentioned one or both of these points already, I'm just not going to look.

So what are my goals for the time being? Balmora is pretty huge and I plan on beating as much as possible. So I expect to be joining the Thieves Guild, Mages Guild and Fighter's Guild. I need to talk with Cosades as well. I'll probably try to complete a couple of side quests if there are any while I'm there, as well as claim a house. By claim, I mean I'm probably going to kill Ra'virr the Trader and then run to the Thieves guild to get rid of my bounty and use his house as storage. I don't know why I do this, but I do, every single game. Sorry nothing exciting has really happened yet.


Monday, July 9, 2007

Pelagiad Day 1

I left Seyda Neen headed North East towards Pelagiad like I mentioned earlier. The road was fairly short, though I noticed a small island along the way. Like a good little adventurer I swam over to it and explored for a bit. I found plenty of mushrooms in case I want to practice Alchemy later in the game, I also found plenty of Mud Crabs. I hate Mud Crabs. Not because they're difficult, but because they are one of the most annoying creatures I've ever seen. They slowly scuttle towards you, and they're so ugly. I took much joy in killing them. I practiced using my bow and my axe on them, I wasted quite a few arrows on them due to a low marksman skill. I plan on using it a lot during the game so I'll have to find a trainer to teach me how to use it better. The only other item of interest was a crashed ship that I ventured into. Two skeletons and a lot of alchemy ingredients were inside. Not a lot else sadly.

I left the island and the only other obstacle was a man named Nels Llendo. He demanded I paid him 50 gold pieces. I declined, thoroughly pissing him off enough to attack me. I killed him taking a couple hits myself but coming out the victor. I stole his blade, which I figured would be worth a pretty penny being enchanted and all. I continued on towards the town and finally found it. Pelagiad, in all it's glory.

The town NPC's were just as boring and simplistic as those in Seyda Neen, which is actually a recurring theme in the whole game. Most all NPC's are useless! Anyway, I ventured first into the local tavern and bought myself a bed for ten gold and slept. When I awoke I spoke with a female Khajiit named Ahnassi who claimed to have no words for me, however, thanks to previous play-throughs I knew that she would give me quests and a home in the future. After my short little talk with her I went across the street into the local weapons shop. I sold some of my old equipment to a the shop keep Mebestion Ence. I then explored what I assume to be his house upstairs, reading and taking the book entitled "The Pilgrim's Path" which makes the various places you need to go appear on your map. I went back downstairs and found a little corner where I stole some ingredients and discovered that I could steal a lot of weapons from him without being seen from his chest. I'll remember this in the future when I need to make some quick cash. I left the shop and skipped Fort Pelgiad and decided to head to my next stop: Balmora. That post will probably be very long indeed.


Seyda Neen Day 1

So I began my quest having a dream with someone telling me that my destiny awaits to the East, to Morrowind. After that my fellow slave buddy wakes me up and asks what my name is. I decided to call myself Malons. Soon afterward a guard comes by and teaches me basic movement and how to open doors. Super heroic stuff here. Anyway, I eventually leave the slave ship I was brought to this new land on and escorted to solid ground, another solider intercepts me and you decide what your gender, race, and face design is. Since I'm a guy I decided to be male, and I always pick Nord's. Why? I just like them the most. After this I'm taken inside the nearest building and a man named Socucius Ergalla is soon asking what my class and sign are. I make up a class with rough guidelines based on a Barbarian and call myself a Nordic Barbarian, I choose The Warrior as my sign as it gives me a quick and easy 10 extra points to strength, which is needless to say, important for a barbarian.

My Stats and a few items from around Seyda Neen

After gaining my class and sign I went into the next room, my first chance to steal stuff. Ironically the game actually prompts you to steal stuff from this room, I know it's for the tutorial but it's still pretty odd. Anyway, I read a bit about the different signs from a book on the shelf, I take a couple bottles of alcohol Greef, Mazte and Flin, a dagger and a note that's pinned to the table by the dagger. It mentions some guy named Hrisskar, he gives me a quest in a short while not relating to the dagger. Anyway, I nab some gold from the chest with the help of a lockpick I take from the table and I scarf down all the food I can.

I exist this room and I'm finally outside... in a hallway of sorts, I'm almost free! I head towards the other door in this short courtyard/hallway thing and look inside a barrel. I find a craptastic Ring of Healing in which activates my magic menu. Also, by stepping outside my map menu is active now too. Everything is active now except for the journal which will active as soon as I exit through this next little building. So I enter the door and see a man awaiting my arrival. Apparently his name is Sellus Gravius. Upon talking to him he tells me that the kind Uriel Septiem VII sent me here for some unknown, yet important reason. All he really tells me is to go see the other guy in Balmora who goes by Cauis Cosades. I talk to him a little bit longer and learn of various things about Morrowind and it's government and his profession. None of which seemed terribly important.

Finally, I exit his house and now I'm completely free to explore Morrowind! Also the journal activates which is one of the most helpful features of this game, reminding you of topics and quests you have yet to finish.

The first person I run into is a queer little Bosmer (Wood Elf) fellow name Fargoth. He asks if I've seen his ring. The Ring of Healing I found turns out to have belonged to him! So I give it back to him. I find a building slightly larger than the other buildings near here so I venture towards it and enter it. Turns out to be a store owned by a High Elf named Arille. I quickly buy Imperial Chain Cuirass and an Iron Long Sword. Truthfully they suck, but anything is a step up from a dagger of worthlessness and basic clothing. Anyway, I say goodbye to him for now, though I'll be visiting again soon for an Axe, a spear, a bow and 100 Chitin Arrows. I go upstairs and there's Mr. Hrisskar! I speak with him and he tells me that Fargoth is up to no good. I feel a bit used because I trusted him so easily, I gladly accept this quest. I go around town talking to the various inhabitants until I realize, they all say the same thing. I eventually give up on intelligent discussion and go straight up to the top of the Light House and sleep there until midnight. I can easily spy on Fargoth from up here. So I sleep and then I watch him. As soon as he runs away from the stump in the middle of a small swamp I know where to go. I jump down on to a tree and then onto a bit of a walkway then run towards the stump. I find 300 gold, his ring and a Journeyman's lockpick. I go back to Arille's store and buy the three items I wanted. Sadly, I'll have to wait until I become slightly richer in order to pay Hrisskar back, only to wipe the blemish that his quest from my journal.

After I finish buying my two new items I go a tad bit North and to the East. I find a cave Addamasartus. What a strange name. I save, being a little bit afraid of dungeon diving as this is my first real battle (aside from a mudcrab I killed when adventuring near the lighthouse). I go inside and easily kill the first person. I switch our clothes because her clothes look better with my armor and give her my clothes in return. Her dead body might get cold after all... I venture on through the door and die at the hands of a mage that's slightly more powerful than me. If I leveled up once or twice and brought a couple healing potions I could beat him with relative ease. Also: Here's a pic of what I looked like after I I killed that one lady!

Anyway, I saved right before I fought him so I exited the cave and went back to a few signs which might give you a clue as to where I'm headed next, because this about warps it up for today.

Note: Did I put in too many pictures? Does it make it feel too cluttered? I took a lot of pictures and wanted to add them. Click them for a larger size too.


After reading through various other "Blogging (insert name of game here)" blogs such as Blogging Zelda, Blogging Dragon Quest, Blogging Ultima and Blogging Final Fantasy I wanted to take on a similar task. However, with three of the major game series I could blog about in such a fashion taken I had to do some thinking about how to go about this. The Mario series has too little plot, as does the Kirby series and pretty much all game series beyond Zelda and Metroid. Blogging Random games can be done in my main blog, which would turn out to be more of a review or overview than an actual journal of sorts.

While playing some of my computer games I started up my Morrowind file from a couple months ago. I personally loved this game, a lot more than I loved Oblivion to say the least. There were a couple snags with blogging the game with my current character: 1) He was a lvl 47 maniac who already led the three main guilds and was well on his way of leading the rest, 2) He had 100 in more than five stats, legitimately mind you, 3) Since I use the computer version (AKA the only version worth playing) I use a LOT of MOD's. Most of those would confuse a lot of people seeing as I had MOD's that expanded cities, added new abilities, added new land masses, and more.

However, this summer has proven to be particularly boring when I'm not with my friends (I'm a Junior in High School just so you know) so I wanted some sort of a project to keep me busy. Writing a novel or even a novella proves impossible for me because I get distracted too easily, a journal about my life would be too monotonous and I'd get fed up with it eventually. When I play Morrowind, however, I get lost in it for a good long while. So I know that I'll be able to keep this going for the rest of the summer and hopefully until I beat everything.

Which brings me to the goal of this Blogging expedition. Most of the other "Blogging (insert game here)" blogs are relatively linear. The most nonlinear I've read is the Blogging Ultima blog, but that still has a basis of what to do. Morrowind does have a main quest, though like most other players I set it aside and more or less forget about it. So what exactly to I hope to accomplish with this? Well simply put, everything, or at least as much as possible in a game where certain quests make it impossible to get other quests, or even complete entire guilds (particularly near the end of the Fighter's Guild and the Thieves Guild).

I'm not sure how updating is going to work, Morrowind is simply massive as I'm sure many if not all of you know. I'm probably going to update by Guild or city depending on which is more relevant. In the beginning you begin in Seyda Neen, and there are no quests that you can really fulfill there, so I'd probably name that entry "Seyda Neen Day 1" or say if I was making progress it would be named "Mages Guild Day 1" or some such.

Anyway, I really hope this blog kicks off, I'll probably write up a couple of days and post them once a day instead of en masse just to make it seem like there's some bulk to this and make myself see that I might actually be able to finish this!

I need to end this post, it's too long, so I hope you enjoy this blog and stick around to read it.


Note: I previously mentioned that I have the PC version of the game, meaning I can use MOD's. For the use of this blog I've cut WAY back on the MOD's, however there are a two I kept, none of them alter the game dramatically. The first is Better Bodies ver. 2.2 which all players should be using if they aren't already, everyone looks SO much better with this MOD. The next MOD is merely for my own organization within the game. I tend to collect things, including Books, so the MOD Book Rotate ver. 5.3 is helpful and allows you to lay books in three different ways on a shelf, table or floor. As you can see, neither of these alter gameplay enough to cause any confusion or a real difference in gameplay.

Also note: I'm playing Game of the Year edition which includes Bloodmoon and Tribunal.