Anyway, back to blogging.
My first stop was the Thieves Guild, mainly because they're nice and clear bounties for you. I join and then leave, headed for the other side of the river to join the Mages Guild. I decide to do the missions here since they're relatively easy. As a side note, most Mage Guild quests don't really require magic, at least in the beginning and I'm pretty sure the need for it doesn't increase too drastically the further you head up the ranks. Anyway, I did every mission I could do for Ajira a Khajiit. Her first quest and third quest I've already technically completed. In her first quest she wants you to collect four mushroom samples, and the third she wants four flower samples. You can get all the mushrooms before leaving Seyda Neen, and you can get all the flower samples on the road from Seyda Neen to Pelagiad. I handed them over and she thanked me with 4 Cheap Health Potions, really helpful. The second quest was to betray a fellow Mage Guild member. She wanted me to replace a soul gem in her rival Mage's Galbedir's desk, luckily Galbedir is leaving her desk momentarily to go downstairs for some reason. So you take the Fake Soul Gem, walk upstairs, and place it in her desk while taking out her real Soul Gem. On her desk lies a lot of Soul Gems with some pretty nice souls in them, since no one's looking I just take all of them. I go back down to speak with Ajira. She thanks me again and I ask for another quest. Third quest is the flower one! I hand them over and she gives me Six Cheap Magicka Potions, even more helpful, especially considering I'm a Barbarian! Bah, I ask for another quest, and she asks for a Ceramic Bowl, and gives me 10 gold. I run of to Ra'virr, who I'll be killing pretty soon... buy the Bowl and run back.
I come back and she's panicing. Apparently while I was away Galbedir stole Ajira's reports and hid them. She asked me to get them back. I hand her the bowl which she doesn't give me
As soon as I arrive I try taunting him, my Speech Craft skill sucks, so I don't think it'll work but might as well practice. One of them works, but obviously that's not enough to make him attack me, so I pull out my sword and attack him. He pulls out a warhammer, which was the first weapon to kill me if you remember. Ironically, it's the second weapon to kill me as well, argh! Luckily since I'm smart I saved before I attacked so I just reload. This time I lay the smack down on him and win. I take everything I can sell off of him and run across the street to sell it. Immediately afterwards I book it to the Thieves Guild to get rid of that nasty Bounty, they already came in handy! YAY!
Being the greedy little Nord I am I spent some time stealing random things from around town, from Crates lying around outside, peoples homes, the Guard Towers, anywhere really. So I sold all that for a little bit of money and then got bored of it. I used the money I got from being a thief
I left his house and headed for a secret trainers house, those are other people working for Blades, I visited Nine Toes and he handed me four pieces of Moon Sugar and told me they were illegal and that only a Khajiit would buy them. Wait, so a guy working for the Empire is dealing in ILLEGAL DRUGS? It was rather odd, but I ran off to Ajira's to sell them and got a lot for them. I also remembered that I think I left a bit of Moon Sugar behind Ence's
I left the Thieves Guild and headed over to the Fighters Guild. Ironically with me being a Barbarian it would be the natural choice for me to join it first but instead I join the other to Guilds that don't suit a true Barbarian in any respect. Of course in Morrowind that doesn't really matter. So I join, and the first quest is to kill a bunch of rats in this nice Pillow Makers house. So I run over there and kill them all, they obviously don't put up much of a fight being rats and all. The lady there thanks me and pays me 100 or so gold saying that's how much she agreed to pay. I went back to the Guild awaiting my next task. The next task was to slay a bunch of Egg Poachers outside of town, I deemed that too out of the way as well and went back to the Mages Guild. For the rest of my stay I wasted all my money raising all my Magic and Stealth based skills to 10 or above. At the end of the day I still had a couple of skills below, but I didn't have enough money by that point.
I decided to head towards Ald'Ruhn next for some more Guild quests. I apologize for the lack of pictures this time around, but I kind of forgot, and don't worry, there's even less in Ald'Ruhn and Gnisis... heh.
Did Thieves quest, then fighters quests, wasted all my money on training, went to Ald'Ruhn
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