Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blogging Morrowind 2011: Day 10

It didn't take long to locate Bluelle's estate. Though it turns out I had wasted my damn time. It wasn't a handcrafted gift so much as a novelty given to them by her husband's boss essentially. I don't know, some rich Imperial who printed their name on the damn thing. I didn't mind, but then she went on to explain how all she could offer was her gratitude. She was just a farm girl with no money, even though her husband is always away working. I don't care much for those who waste my time...

I didn't have anything in mind for the day so I decided to head back to Balmora see if there was anything for me to do there. Almost immediately I heard word of a Camonna Tong member who was staying at a nearby corner club, and drunkenly yelled she would one day lay waste to me for the heinous acts I committed. I suppose this is the reason Larrius didn't pay me. I burst into the familiar hide out and headed to the rooms, there she was, stumbling to get her door unlocked. I called out and as she recognized my voice she came at me. She fell to the floor before even unleashing one attack, bloody drunken fool. The bartender thanked me on the way out, though cautiously. I think he's afraid.

I made my way to Larrius as soon as she died and he bequethed unto me a ring, and some knowledge. He noticed that I was a spear user, and had heard mention of two rare spears. One was owned by a shop keep in Ald-Ruhn, the other was being used by some cultist or some such nonsense living to the West in a ruin named Hlormaren. I have no idea where that iss, but I do have a general sense of where Ald'Ruhn is, and Caldera is on the way!

Off to the North I went. Nothing too exciting happened, though I did find the body of a junkie. He had a good quality skooma pipe on him, and a note to a person named Tsiya or something. The name sounds familiar and the note mentioned the pipe belonged to her. I took it for the express purpose of returning it. No more late nights with the Pilgrim's Path.. heh.

At last, before me laid a new town. My first goal, find a home.
-Unoob Featherclout

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